Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Morel Mushrooms!

Although this is a gardening blog, I wanted to add a few non gardening things in here and there to keep things lively. Morel mushrooms are one of those things because before the garden takes over your life for the summer the woods has a lot to offer in the way of wild delicacies that can be found and enjoyed and I also love hunting for them. My girlfriend and I found a few Morels yesterday and then found a half pound today. With the weather finally starting to cooperate the white mushrooms are starting to show and they look great!

So if you have pictures or comments to post feel free. Also if you are interested in purchasing some mushrooms, let me know! I'll be around Leelanau County for a week or so and will hopefully have an abundance!



  1. Hi Ryan - I love your site! I'm dividing hosta this week; give me a call if you want some to take back to the U.P.

    1. Hey Barb! Thanks so much! I would definitely appreciate the hosta. However, I saw this to late and I don't have the space for it at the moment which stinks! However the hasta I took last year is all sprouting next to our drive way at my parents. Its going to look great! Have a great summer!
