Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fresh Batch of Seeds

Well, today I bought a fresh batch of seeds and I'm excited to get planting. Gardening is incredibly rewarding because after putting in the hard work in the Spring, individuals can get lots of fresh fruits and veggies throughout the Summer.

All that aside. It's time to garden. If your interested in gardening there are some things you have to consider.

  • Where do you live? Depending on whether you live in an urban area or rural will impact how big of a garden you can have.

  • What you want to grow? There are so many options for items that you can grow. If you are just starting out, you might want to just to pick a few veggies or fruits. This will give you a chance to see what you like and how much work you want to put into your garden.

  • How big of garden do you want? If you live in a residential or urban setting you may be restricted to how big of a garden you create (I will discuss some nifty ideas to get around that later.) However, if you live in a more rural setting, you certainly have an opportunity to create a large garden. It is really dependent to how much work you want to put in.

Once you have an idea of what you want to do, just go for it. It is not a bad idea to plan out your garden around March, so that you can get planting as soon as the weather is right. Most plants will need quite a long time to grow, so it's best to give them all that you can for growing time.

Here are a couple of links to check out. The first is a link about creating good compost for your gardens. The gentleman in the video created a decent sized composting box out of some shipping palettes.

Composting Video

The second link provides a great way to grow tomatoes using five gallon pails.

Growing Tomatoes Upside Down

Next time, I will talk about getting some seedlings growing and some compost started.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the Gardener's Dig. Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm putting this blog together for a variety of reasons, all of which culminate to one single point....Gardening is amazing! I will go into more detail in my next post. But before then I just want to make a brief point.

As I have gotten older, I have realized how much I have taken for granted while growing up. The topic of gardening falls under the umbrella of what I'm talking about. It has been a family hobby for as long as I can remember and I certainly want to continue the tradition. Hopefully this blog will inspire a few people to get out a do a bit of gardening as well.

So in closing....Spring is here! Well, technically in terms of a calendar it is. The temps might not yet be what we would qualify as spring temperatures, but they are coming soon. If you've been getting those seed catalogs in the mail, it's time to start ordering because it will be time to plant soon!