Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I found Pallets!

So the other day I happened, to be out riding my bike and a lady who lives a few blocks from me had her yard pretty torn up and full of old pallets. I got a chance to ask her what she was doing and she said she was making a GARDEN! How awesome. I'm going to try and get some pictures put up of that too!

Wonder if she saw my post about pallets?


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Behind, Behind

I know it has been a few days since my last post, and I apologize. Exam week as Michigan Tech has kept me quite busy. I plan to get out and do a bit of gardening this coming week, as well as post the pics of my germinated plants. I have well over a dozen sprouts now of cucumber, watermelon, tomatoes, and peppers.  Hope everyone has been getting out to enjoy the nice weather.

Good Luck. Pictures coming soon....Really, I promise.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Recycle Wooden Pallets

Do you ever find yourself with a large amount of extra pallets? Do you find yourself looking for a neat project that could add a bit of flavor to your garden. Well I found a great website during a Stumble session that had 35 uses for old pallets. Several of the designs pertain to gardening and I definitely hope to implement a few them in my future gardens! There are also many other ideas that are quite ingenious.

35 Amazing Uses for Old Pallets

I also put this on the Compost Pile section of the site for an easy way to reference later on. Enjoy!

Busy Week

The last couple weeks have been pretty busy and I haven't had much time to get another post together. However, I did want to make an update about the seeds I planted. They have long since germinated some more than others but they are looking great. I have several cucumbers and tomatoes, a pepper, and I think maybe a watermelon or two.

I have also been looking for some info to add to the compost pile. Be sure to check that out.
More coming soon. Plus pictures!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Garden Artwork!

I've been posting artwork once and awhile because I love to draw and hopefully visitors to the site find it neat as well. If you have any garden artwork that you would like to show off, please send it along! Click Here to email your photo!



Gourd Birdhouse


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Germinating Plants (continued)

Finally got my pictures loaded onto the computer! I wanted to put some up of the plants that are germinated so far! There was first one lonely tomato which is shown below, and then it seemed like they all popped. Now there are several cucumbers and tomatoes. I'm still waiting for peppers, watermelon, and pumpkins.


Newspaper Seedling Starters

In an effort to get my watermelons and pumpkins planted, I had to do a bit of recent for reusable containers that I could find around the house. I ended up finding a very useful tool on the Urban Gardener website.

This useful technique involves creating seedling pots from newspaper! All you need is some newspaper and a small soup can.

One of the great things about these little pots is that you can plant them directly in the ground once the plants are ready to transplant. Since the newspaper decomposes, this sturdy container provides a good home while the plant germinates and then keeps the plant from damage during transplanting.

Newspaper Pots