Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rain Barrels and Water Collections

I wanted to do a post about water collection because I know for some people, water can be an issue when it comes to gardening. Bigger gardens require more water and that can be expensive if you live in the city. Check out the picture to the left for some water collection ideas.

The idea is to place water collection devices under the eves of your house and collect water during large rain events. This water can accumulate quickly and depending how much is used to water plants, it can last a long time.

  • You can check around town for old barrels, wooden or plastic. These can hold a large amount of water. It may be nice to elevate the barrel and install a spicket on the bottom of the barrel. The barrel can them be opened and closed like a faucet to fill watering cans, etc. 
  • Five gallon pals that have been cleaned out also make great containers. They are smaller and easier to carry around. 
  • You can also use something like an old cast iron bath tub or a trough from a farm supply shop. 
Just a few ideas. Enjoy. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Growing Herbs in the Winter

Here is a good article about keeping your herbs growing during the winter months by planting them indoors. Please check it out! I may start doing this as well. I miss having fresh rosemary!

Growing Herbs indoors


Heirloom Organics

I found a new site this morning while stumbling that I think could be very useful to my fellow gardeners. It is called "heirloom organics" and along with having many varieties of old seeds, they also have a large supply of "how to" pages on growing vegetables. This looks like a great site and I'm very excited to check it out more myself. You can find the link below.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone!

Thank you for checking out my site in 2012, hopefully this coming year I will be able to make a bit better. Many of the seed companies have been sending out their seed catalogs. That means it's time to start scoping for good deals and also start planning your gardens for the coming season. My mother also happen to run into a sweet deal at a local thrift shop. She found a modest supply of new seeds for a great price, so once again, keep your eyes peeled for good deals.

Happy New Year! Enjoy

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Urban Gardening to the Extreme: Aquaponics

I was stumbling this morning and I found an amazing video that I hope tons of people will check out! This is an incredible video that talks about something I'm very new to which is Aquaponics. This is an enclosed system that encompasses the growth of plants and fish to help meet the needs of our growing population. It is really inspiring to here about this type of urban gardening and I hope to check it out sometime soon!

Please watch the video below to see some really amazing Aquaponics!